We have a wide variety of cleaning and pest control services for domestic and business lines. Our services are tailored to suit your specific needs in order to provide maximum results and satisfaction. We pride ourselves with quality services and professional staff.
Pest Control

We are members of the BPCA - we operate using trained staff and comply with pest control legislation.
We can control any pest species: things with 2 legs, 4 legs, 6 legs, 8 legs, many legs - even things with no legs.
Our services include treatment of:
• Cockroaches • Bed bugs • Wasps • Fleas • Woodlice • Ants • Mice • Rats
We can carry out quick eradications, through completing pest management programmes.
We can terminate, control, trap, identify, monitor, test for or proof against.
Our photographic reports will detail all site attendance dates and times, safety data sheets on all rodenticides/insecticides used, as well as any observations or recommendations.
Bird Control

We do a lot of bird work and pride ourselves on supplying a solution that is durable and effective as well as aesthetically pleasing.
As members of the BPCA (British Pest Control Association), our surveyors and operatives understand bird ecology and will operate to current industry codes of practice.
We can advise on and install all possible forms of proofing from simple spike systems to extensive and complicated netting structures.
We have PASMA and IPAF trained staff for tower scaffold and hydraulic platform access requirements as well as NARC flat roof safety certified operatives for when the need arises.
We offer first-rate fouling cleans with disinfecting and deodorising treatments included.
Our installation techniques are considerate of the substrates involved, system tolerances and expected service period.
For a more direct approach, our certified air rifle marksmen can conduct legal and controlled shoots for high pressure or persistent problem sites.
Bird control is extensively dealt with and we can advise on and install all possible forms of proofing from simple spike systems to extensive and complicated netting structures.
We pride ourselves on the professionalism and high-quality components that go into the installation of our nets resulting in a finished product that is durable and effective as well as being aesthetically pleasing.

Rodent control, mice and rat proofing

Urban mice infestations are increasing year on year and baiting programmes are proving to be very ineffective in gaining long term control.
The most effective and direct control method for any pest is habitat exclusion – prevent mice from accessing your property internals and existing infestation levels become unsustainable and a population crash inevitably occurs.
Our specialised proofing service has been developed over the past 10 years with the specific purpose of excluding mice from accessing the internal confines of a dwelling with long term/permanent effects.
Proofing achieves this through the systematic inspection of all water, gas and electrical entry points to a property as well as any structural defects around floor/wall interfaces, fittings and fixtures.
The service is conducted following a comprehensive procedure to ensure no possible entry points are overlooked.
The service is undertaken by pest controllers with an understanding of mice ecology but also trained to understand building construction and service provision.
Where possible entry points are identified, these are proofed with a variety of proofing compounds chosen depending on the substrate and gap size involved – these proofing products are safe, non-toxic and as durable as the surrounding substrate they are applied to (we don’t use expanding foam for example).
A written form is completed during the service provision for each property by the pest technician showing what works were carried out in which location and with which proofing compound – notes and observations are also detailed on the last page along with a customer satisfaction section.
Guarantees are supplied with this service, and it involves no fixture removal making it extremely cost-effective
Japanese Knotweed

Japanese Knotweed is an escalating issue for landowners and can be a very persistent nuisance.
Tightening legislation and increasing public awareness can often escalate a simple situation into a high-cost problem.
Ignoring JK growth is not a cost-effective strategy – it is vital any identified stands are treated quickly and professionally.
Our operatives are PA1 & PA6 certified for control through stem injection with glyphosate.
This ensures rapid control of JK growth by helping the herbicide spread through the root system and therefore control the problem from the ground up.
Dead/treated JK growth is then disposed of as controlled waste under consignment note.
As with all our works, photographic evidence and documented waste transfers allow a full demonstration of any control action for audit or legal purposes.

Deep Cleaning

We specialise in ‘deep cleaning’ – the removal of heavy soiling. Deep cleans are always associated with hygiene and are a fundamental aspect of our work. We welcome bodily fluids, faeces, filth or stench – we have always seen worse. If it can be cleaned, then we clean it, no matter how gruesome the problem.
We have the equipment, products and know-how to undertake all difficult or gruesome cleaning tasks.
The use of enzymatic degreasers and sodium hydroxide cleaners along with equipment such as steam cleaners enable us to clean even the most heavily greased kitchens.
High concentration acid descalers together with powerful formaldehyde-based disinfectants allow us to clean those washrooms from hell!
We have quality assurance checks in place to keep excellent standards consistent. We use good quality products, train our staff and have professional equipment.

Pre and post tenancy cleaning
Most landlords and housing stock managers realise the importance of pre-tenancy and post-tenancy cleans – they increase letting uptake, increase tenancy satisfaction and maintain property value.
We combine high standards with incredible turnaround speed and great service flexibility – we can provide, carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, ‘welcome packs’, air fresheners, deodorising, and more upon request.
Our staff are trained and kitted with ladders to reach high-level areas and can tackle anything from graffiti to black mould – nothing is a problem.
Background active monitoring by our middle management team ensures standards are kept high and site conduct is first class.
Keyholding insurance and procedures are in place to assist with a seamless and consistent handover service.

Blitz cleaning

We have conducted ‘blitz cleans’ to tenanted properties since the company was incorporated and increased the volume we undertake and client portfolio year on year.
All of our staff are CRB checked and trained to respect and communicate with older persons, vulnerable adults, substance misusers and the mentally disabled.
We have a wealth of experience in ensuring client aims/objectives are achieved with minimal disruption to the occupant and with minimal cost.
We pride ourselves on providing staff who form a rapport with occupants and achieving this even in the most challenging of circumstances or attitudes.
Our industry expertise in pest control allows us to advise and treat any pest-related issues and our well-resourced rubbish clearance department means we can tackle the heaviest of hoarded properties.
Our cleaning expertise and tooling are entirely capable of human waste, hypodermic waste, heavy soiling, soot staining, black mould and anything else that we may encounter. A friendly, honest and courteous approach will always prevail regardless of circumstance.
Fire and Flood cleaning

Fires and floods are unplanned events that can cause large scale damage and distress.
Just like the emergency services, this means you need a reactive service that can deal with the issues quickly, efficiently and professionally and help control the overall cost impact.
All our operatives are kitted with high spec wet vacuums, emergency lighting, generators and access equipment as well as the disinfectants/deodorants required to contain the majority of situations.
A large vehicle and operative fleet enable quick response times and photographic evidence of any works carried out assist with subsequent insurance claims

Mould cleaning and treatment

Black mould is an increasing problem for British dwellings and can carry serious health risks for occupants.
We can safely clean black mould growth from virtually all substrates and use a specialized cleaning agent to help inhibit the return of any further growth.
Contaminated wallpaper can be stripped/cleared and contaminated silicone mastic can be removed and replaced with an anti-mould product.
We can also apply a range of transparent or high opacity mould inhibitor paints for high-risk environments such as bathrooms.

Carpet cleaning
Carpets, rugs, mats and other under-foot fabrics suffer the heaviest of soiling and yet are often one of the largest and most visual aspects of any property.
Maintenance cleans are important to preserve the overall condition and a planned programme of deep cleans are essential to prevent permanent staining or damage occurring.
Water temperatures of up to 150°C and vacuum pressures of up to 1 bar quickly degrease and deep clean all manner of floor substrates and leave a clean and pleasant fragrance.
Progressive training schemes provided by the manufacturer allow us to supply the staff and equipment to bring life back into the most tired of carpets and soft furnishings.
We don’t even need power or water – all vehicles carry portable generators; extension leads and water bowsers to ensure service continuation should such a situation arise.

Specialised cleanings - Blood, Piegon fouling, Backsurge
Our specialised clean-up service is tailored to each client to provide the best results. We clean and decontaminate the pressies, and dispose of all contaminated items or materials to restore the property back to a safe place, no matter of the situation.
Our team is highly trained and prepared to carry out any job, swiftly and to high standards.
Garden Clearnce

Overgrown rear gardens help establish fox and rodent infestations as well as encourage fly-tipping and advertise poor maintenance levels.
Unchecked ivy and creeper growth damages fences, blocks light and chokes boiler flues risking carbon monoxide ingress.
Self-sown tree roots and Buddleia growth can crack brickwork, damage sub-terrain pipework and undermine foundations.
We have an arsenal of petrol-driven brush-cutters, mowers, hedge trimmers, stump grinders, saws and cultivators as well as the training and competence to use them.
This allows us to tackle anything from light overgrowth right up to the thickest of jungles.
With access to a range of hydraulic earth moving equipment, we can also re-level gardens, dig trenches, clear banks and move mountains.
We will always overcome difficult access.

We clear any rubbish from anywhere.
We understand the time pressures associated with fly-tipping/void turnover and ensure fast response times accordingly.
We operate using rubbish trucks – no unsightly skips; waste is taken straight from site to refuse depots.
Our satellite tracked vehicles allow well-oiled and rapid fleet logistics over the Greater London area and beyond.
We can provide copies of weighbridge tickets, transfer notes and consignment notes for any waste collected.
We will always provide the solution to any clearance problem.
Rubish Clearance

Void Clearnce

We are well-resourced in both vehicles and manpower complete complicated
We can clear all rubbish (white goods, sharps, low hygiene) from all areas of the void (roof voids included) and with unrivalled standards in speed – up to 24 hrs on some contract requirements.
All vehicles have an on-board system to measure the weight of rubbish removed from each property – we don’t do any guessing.
All waste transfer notes, weighbridge tickets and before/after photographs are uploaded onto our online database – this gives 2 points of physical evidence as to what rubbish was in each void and where it all went.
Should the 3rd point of evidence be required, the exact movements of each vehicle can be submitted for each and any job via the satellite trackers present in all company vehicles.
Large clients have a log-on facility to the database where all uploaded documents, completion dates and recycling statistics for each job can be viewed.
This gives our void clearance service complete transparency which in turn facilitates painless external audits, ‘open book’ contract running’s and a solid evidence trail for any recharging policies used to offset void clearance costs.

Communal stairwells in social housing blocks are notoriously difficult to maintain to decent standards of cleanliness – periodic steam cleaning works are usually required to restore hygiene levels as part of planned maintenance.
Our professional jetwash can deliver high-temperature water at variable pressures to ensure deep cleansing of concrete substrates.
Deodorising solutions can be added to the water delivery stream to freshen the air and an optional vacuum recovery system can be utilised to recycle 90% of the discharged water and ensure external conduits/junction boxes remain dry.
Resident notification and stairwell closure is all taken care of and finished stair flights are left clean and dry to remove any slip hazards.
Stairwell Jetting

Leaking overflow pipes and downpipe sidearms can lead to unsightly white and green staining on external block brickwork and windows.
Efflorescence resulting from water ingress into brickwork also results in unsightly white staining and can be even wider-ranging.
We have the required steam cleaners, chemicals, skilled operatives and access equipment to remove these stains and restore the brickwork to its former glory.
Removal techniques are substrate considerate and ensure complete removal of the staining present.
Our operatives are IPAF certified should hydraulic platform equipment be required and PASMA certified should tower scaffold suffice.
Damaged downpipes or other items contributing to the problem can be repaired depending on client requirements.
Outflow Stain Removal

We specialise in the cleaning of all outside hard surfaces, from small patios and driveways to buildings and specialist technical cleaning.
Our specialised jet wash cleaning equipment means we have our own power and water so can wash anywhere anytime.
Our super-heated steam cleaner is at 150ºC for delicate stone or biohazard cleaning.
Our rotary flat surface jet wash cleaners are of the latest design to minimise the splashing of dirty water and to give an even cleaning effect over your whole surface.

Planned guttering maintenance is a largely overlooked or ignored activity yet can result in high cost/high impact events such as water ingress, plaster fall, black mould, damp and external green algae growth.
In the majority of cases, guttering clearance and flush-through works are inexpensive activities and ensure that the water that lands on the roof is safely carried to ground level without affecting the fabric of the building.
However, despite being a simple activity, working at height is inevitably involved so any work needs to be safely controlled and considered to prevent any accidents on site.
Our guttering operatives are fully tooled with pressure washers, drills, fixings and access equipment to ensure guttering runs and downpipes are free from debris, flushed through and draining efficiently.
They are also fully trained to work at height with ‘Safe Use of Ladders’ certification as a minimum standard but continuing right up to IPAF and PASMA certification where mobile towers or hydraulic platforms are required.
Before and after photographs for every job provide evidence of completed/invoiced works and allow a desktop compliance check.
Gutters - Cleaning and Repair

Graffiti inscriptions can cause serious offence, upset communities and give an impression of poor maintenance.
The paints used and the substrates targeted are usually chosen deliberately to be difficult to remove – amateur attempts at removal can often cause permanent damage.
Left unchecked, graffiti can greatly devalue property and affect letting uptakes. It is therefore essential that all property owners and managers have an effective and reactive service provider to ensure inscriptions are quickly and completely removed.
Our methods are wide-ranging but always substrate considerate and very effective.
We can offer rapid response times to remove inscriptions that are racist or otherwise likely to cause offence.
We can supply anti-graffiti coatings.
Solutions or advice for any graffiti problems is freely given – give us a call or drop us a line.
Grafitti Removle